Miho Mazereeuw
Associate Prof. of Architecture and Urbanism

MIT Climate Mission Lead: Empowering Frontline Communities

Richard Serino  Senior Advisor Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Harvard School of Public Health, National Preparedness Leadership Initiative

Richard Serino
Senior Advisor
Deputy Administrator FEMA (2009-2014)

Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Harvard School of Public Health, National Preparedness Leadership Initiative,

Lisbeth Shepherd
SA+P Entrepreneur in Residence
MIT Climate Corps Initiative Lead

Akinobu Murakami Senior Advisor Professor of Urban Planning, University of Tsukuba

Akinobu Murakami
Senior Advisor
Professor of Urban Planning, University of Tsukuba

Aditya BarveArchitecture, Urbanism, Decision Support Tools

Aditya Barve

Architecture, Urbanism, Decision Support Tools

Mayank OjhaUrbanism, Situation Awareness Systems, Web Cartography

Mayank Ojha

Urbanism, Situation Awareness Systems, Web Cartography

Larisa OvallesLatin America, Prototyping, Design, Urbanism

Larisa Ovalles

Latin America, Prototyping, Design, Urbanism

Justin Brazier

Architecture, Sustainability, Community Engagement

Eakapob Huangthanapan SMArchS'21 (Urbanism)Regeneration & sustainability, design, technology

Eakapob Huangthanapan

Regeneration & Sustainability, Design, Technology

Prim Rattanathumawat

Design, Product, Sustainability

Ekin Bilal

Architecture, Storytelling, Aesthetics

Peter Hodge

Community Organizing, Urbanism, Housing and Transit

Mark Brennan

Disaster Assistance, Supply-Chain

Charlotte Matthai

Design, Post-Disaster Housing, Sustainability

Manudeep Herle

UX Design, Software Engineering, AI-Driven Urban Resilience

Jin Gao
SMArchS, MS - EECS’25

Urban Simulation, Decision-Support Tools, Collaborative Design Tools

Ami Kurosaki

Architecture, Urbanism, Waste

Yutian He 

Design, Policy, Disaster Resilience

Sabrina Su
BS'25, MEng'26

Design, Responsible AI, Sustainability

Franklin Nguyen

Climate Change, Sustainability, Computation

Joanna Chen

Software Development, Sustainability, Housing

Ava Dijstelbloem

Design Engineering, Sustainability, Prototyping

Rutvik Deshpande
Research Intern

Architecture, Computation and Software Development

Chris Schmidt-Hong

Architecture, Sewing, Sustainable Design

Mobi Mazereeuw

Sustainable Napping, Human-Canine Relationship Design, Collaborative Joy

Visiting Researchers

Kenya EndoLandscape Architect, Instructor National University of Singapore

Kenya Endo

Landscape Architect, Instructor National University of Singapore

Kamakshi Sirisha Pathapati

UX Design, Product Design Strategy, Design Thinking

Angela Loescher-Montal

Resilient Design Incentives, Systems, Public-Private Relationships

Romina Cordova Grados

Architecture & Urbanism, Latin America, Collaborative Design

Research Affiliates

Abraham Quintero Research Affiliate

Abraham Quintero
Research Affiliate

Claudia Bode Research Affiliate

Claudia Bode
Research Affiliate

Zahraa Saiyed  Research Affiliate

Zahraa Saiyed
Research Affiliate

Barry Beagen  Research Affiliate

Barry Beagen
Research Affiliate

Rodrigo Escandón Cesarman SMArchS'20 (Urbanism)

Rodrigo Escandón Cesarman
SMArchS'20 (Urbanism)

Jean Carlos Vega Diaz Research Affiliate, University of Puerto Rico

Jean Carlos Vega Diaz
Research Affiliate, University of Puerto Rico

Dr. Lily Bui Research Affiliate

Dr. Lily Bui
Research Affiliate

Maya Taketani  Research Affiliate

Maya Taketani
Research Affiliate


Affiliated Faculty and Labs

Fadi Masoud 
Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, University of Toronto

Justin Steil 
Associate Professor of Law and Urban Planning

Yoshihiro Hiraoka 
Faculty of Miyagi University

Jenny Suckale 
Assistant Professor of Geophysics at Stanford University

Caitlin Mueller 

Associate Professor, MIT Digital Structures Group


Past Collaborators

Saeko Baird, Liane Xu, Evellyn Tan, Jonathon Brearley, David Moses, Dylan Lewis, Chen Chu, Helena Rong, Xio Alvarez, Charlotte D'Acierno, Celia Sanchez Zelaya, Kyoko Murayama, Lenna Johnsen, Lynced Torres, Ibuki Iwasaki, Amy Liu, Matthew Berryman, Kelly Leilani Main, Hugh Magee, Monica Britt Hutton, Joohui Son, Jongwan Kwon, Kira Intrator, Maanasa Priyaa Dharmapuri Sridhar, Ananya Nandy, Danielle Hecht, Erica Liu, Alexa Jan, George Beane, Johanna Greenspan-Johnston, Noor Titan Putri Hartono, Erioseto Hendranata, Namjoo Kim, Seungho Park, Nicholas Polansky, Oscar Malaspina, Einat Rosenkrantz, Adriana Chavez, Ana Vargas, Jie Zhang, Mingxi Zou, Sky Milner, Curtis Roth, Pamela Ritchot, Ridhima Singh, Tejumola Bayowa